What's Next?

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Yippeee! I will be working on a sister for Kaji Kentaro next. I have my "artsy thinking cap" on since the mama is giving me full artistic control.

The new baby will be based on the Estelle kit by Evelina Wosnjuk. I LOVE that particular kit. I am so excited to have the chance to work on her. Her nose and fun expression just melt my heart.

I have seen several medium/dark AA Estelle reborns. They are all totally adorable, but being a "think outside of the box" type of girl, I have a strong need to be unique.

I am considering transforming Estelle into a Latina baby! I created a Hispanic reborn from a pre-darkened doll way back in 2005 [when Genesis paints were virtually unknown to the reborning community].

Painting Hispanic skin tones using Genesis paints could be a challenge for me because I have focused on deeper brown skin tones for so many years. Deeper brown skin tones take much longer to paint than lighter tones because they require more layers of paint. I am accustomed to painting around 15 base layers. When I paint less than 15 layers, I feel as if I haven’t done enough work, and I start to panic. I always add more layers to satisfy my paranoia, and always end up with a darker baby. LOL

Well, this time I am going to break that old habit, I promise! A reborn artist friend suggested that I use lighter brown colors on my palette. That way I can add the 15 layers without worrying about the baby darkening too quickly. That could definitely work. Thanks for the tip, SA!

I may not be able to post many progress shots of Estelle because I will be trying out different cameras. I sold my Nikon D60. It did not have an autofocus feature for my 50mm lens so I decided it wasn’t worth keeping around. I will be trying another Nikon soon….most likely the Nikon D90. Hopefully I can post a few shots along with some color information.

Thanks for reading!


My 27th birthday present to myself!

Monday, October 19, 2009

My birthday is in exactly 11 days. I spotted this beauty for sale and I couldn't pass up a good deal. I managed to purchase this refurbished Nikon D60 and 18-55mm lens for about $450 from B&H Photo Video. It is not what I really want right now. Like I discussed a couple of weeks ago, I would like to have a camera with video capabilities, but I am trying to be frugal for the upcoming holiday season.

I took a look through the images at Flickr taken with this camera/lens combination and I was particularly impressed! I figured I may as well try it out out for my new baby's shoot. I'll probably end up selling it immediately after the shoot and trying something else. Whatever I try next will definitely be a Nikon. I am head over heels for Nikon! Canon who? LOL


New Look and Some Good News!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Yippee! I finally got the "shell" for my upcoming blogsite semi-completed. I am going to change some things around, but I hope you like it so far!

On a brighter note

Remember the Lotus kit I posted progress shots of? Well, he is complete! When I finished his hair, he looked more like a boy, so boy he will be! The remainder of his layette will arrive on the 21st and I can do his photos. He is a biracial baby...Blackanese (Black/Japanese) to be exact.

I can't wait for you all to meet him. I am in love!

Brooke Nicole Reborns Baby Babies AA A/A Ethnic The Most Colorful Name in Reborn Art

Reborning Questionnaire

I know there are reborn bloggers hiding out there! Don't be a grouchy spoiled sport. Drop your rooting needles and have some fun with this questionnaire! :-)

Cut and paste the questionnaire and fill in your answers. If you would prefer not to answer a particular question, simply write "pass" next to the question. No biggie. :-)

Be sure to use "Reborning Questionnaire" in the title of your post so Google and I can find you. ♥ Pass it along!


What is your name? Brooke Nicole

What is your nursery name? None. My real name is good enough, lol.

How long have you been making reborns? Since 2001

What is your favorite reborning activity? Painting skin tones

What is your least favorite reborning activity? Mixing paint, especially more than 3 colors. I also dislike neutralizing pink and orange vinyl.

What is your highest sale to date? $1,950 in 2008 $2,750 in 2010

What is your lowest sale to date? $200 in 2002 for a boo boo baby..lol

What 3 products can you not live without? Chisel blenders, carbon black 01 paint and Sansodor

What 3 products would you never buy again? Mushroom sponges, Genesis glazing medium, Real Eyes, and German Forked Needles

What is your favorite reborn kit to date? Maybe Definitely Noe!

Which kit did not turn out the way you hoped? Lee Lee prototype by LTR and Adeline by Tamie Yarie

If you could master a new reborning skill, what would it be and why? I would like to master lighter skin tones. So many of my family members have lighter African American skin tones, and I would like to create reborn dolls that look like them.

I thought I knew about every kit on the market...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I didn’t do anything at work today but surf the net, LOL. Horrible, but true. Gotta love Corporate America, right? :-)

But anyway, I had a chance to look at Doll Dreams’ website and I discovered two sleeping kits that I love, but never heard of. I thought I knew about every kit on the market! After all, that is my job as a reborn artist. I will admit that I sometimes overlook the lesser known sculptors’ kits. I am so glad I found:

Megan by Heike Kolpin. She reminds me of the silicone Kayla by Wendy Dickison. The chubby face and nose are soooo cute! She will make a perfect ethnic baby for sure. I love her hands, too!

And the same goes for Angie by Jackie Gwin. I am a bit concerned about her size though. 17” can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on my mood, LOL. I am not much of a "preemie person" which is odd considering that I was a preemie almost 27 years ago.

It looks as if these two are open editions, so I can wait to order them. I will try to make time for them in 2010.


Lion Hat and Booties

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

To get my mind off of this theft issue, I decided to treat myself to something cute. No worries, I am not going to wear the pictured items, LOL. I have had my eye on this set by Blabla for a while now, and I think a doll would look cute wearing it with a onesie. I will have to try it on a few of my dolls to see who can fit it because the size (0-24 months) makes me nervous. I can't wait until it arrives!

The Blabla set can be purchased here. There are several cute styles available!




Brooke Nicole - Photographer + Doll Artist | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | 2002-2015 Brooke Nicole