Saige Goes Bye Bye

Monday, January 26, 2015

Whew! My little precious finally shipped out today. The weather last week was just plain awful! I was snowed in for a day and then sleet and hail plagued the roadways. I am not enjoying winter at all. Spring can't get here soon enough, lol! I will post pictures of the entire box packing when Saige arrives to her new home. I don't want to ruin her new mom's surprise by posting pictures too soon. I had to post these pictures of Saige anchored to her interior box, though. ;) I'd packed her up a long time ago when she sold on layaway so I hadn't seen her in months. I forgot how much I love her face!

When my business shuts down this year, I will have so much time to make dolls for myself. I absolutely must reborn a Will by Natalie Scholl for my personal collection. I fell in love with the sculpt while creating Saige. I love the lips and the eyes. My Will Scholl will be a boy and I would like to paint him in the Cinnamon Charm Summer skin tone and name him Yadriel. Okay, I have rambled as usual. I will be back soon with pics of Realborn Thomas and Kyra Legler.

Toffee Topia Julietta in Progress

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hola amigos! This picture is from a couple of days ago. I erased Julietta's eyebrows. They came out too black and I need them to be brown. This baby will have brown curls per her mommy's request. I just love the lips on this sculpt! I am so thrilled that I get to paint an Apricot Love-A-Lot Julietta this summer for a private order. I also have a Julietta kit for myself that I am saving. I am working on a new skin tone called "Vanilla Truffle" and I would like my Julietta to be painted in Vanilla Truffle. I hope to have this Toffee Topia Julietta rooted and out of the door soon. I have to get those eyebrows on first! :) She is a bit lighter than this picture shows. I had to take her picture in my kitchen as there is no sunlight today.

Someone asked about the Toffee Topia coloring guide and I don't have one available yet. For Toffee Topia, I use the same colors I use for Apricot Love-A-Lot... BUT I make two tiny adjustments during the Flesh Stacking phase to achieve the slightly darker tan coloring. I'll discuss that later, I pinky promise... I have a layaway baby (Saige Avaleigh) to send home today, yay! :) Stay tuned ladies! Kyra Legler wants to say hello this weekend. :)

Tutorials Now Available in Portugese/Português!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Guess what? Fellow reborner and dear friend Diana Treadwell was kind enough to translate my tutorials. All of the tutorials are now available in Portugese. Isn't this wonderful? I have the best dolly friends. :) Thank you, Diana! If anyone would like a translated tutorial, contact me at brookenicole222 @ yahoo . com

P.S. This adorable Apricot Love-A-Lot Realborn Thomas is sold..and the Toffee Topia Julietta I am posting a progress picture of next is also sold to Alexa, a fellow reborner who placed a long layaway order with me in 2013. Alexa's order for Julietta was to be finished a long time ago. I am so late with my last 2014 orders. I am so sorry! I also have a sold Kyra Legler who wants to show off. :) Be back soon!

Shyann's Box Packing

January 13, 2015

Hello, my dears! I only snapped a couple of pictures of this box packing. I had a splitting headache this particular night and I just wasn't up to documenting every gift. It is safe to post now because the new mom has received the package. She loves everything! I think I packed everything but the kitchen sink in this box, lol! There was Juicy Couture, Next, Children's Place, Kyle & Deena, Kanz, etc.

Many of you have seen the box opening video for this particular Shyann on the new mom's Facebook page. Thank you all so much for the emails about the box opening video. I try *blushes*, lol. :) Shyann is a cutie, isn't she? I wish I'd been able to take more pictures of her when she was here, but the weather was awful. Darn winter! :) Anywhoo, I have lots of progress pics to post of privately ordered babies I'm working on. I'll be back soon. :)

$649 Painted Kits Coming Soon!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Hiya ladies! I will have painted kits available soon. Each kit will be $649 shipped. These kits will be painted in the Apricot Love-A-Lot skin tone. This is my close-out inventory. I am preparing to shut down at the end of this year. Painted kits include:

Complete skin painting
Open Nostrils
Lips with texture
Dewy skin with textured lines and pores

Textured eyebrows will cost an additional $75. Painted hairlines and rooting services are not available.

Apricot Love-A-Lot Shyann *SOLD*

Monday, January 5, 2015

Hi everyone! I just wanted to share two head shots of a sweetie who is leaving the workshop soon. Her name is Bella Marie and I love her silly! :) The weather is not cooperating this winter and I am having the worst time with photo shoots. I absolutely have to use natural light, I am dependent on it. It is my favorite type of light. I am hooked. I can't live without it. I want to marry natural light. Okay-- so I like natural light a lot, lol! :) Times like these I wish I still lived in California. Anyway, I may post more pictures of Bella Marie, I am not sure yet, but stay tuned! :) P.S. Yes, this is the Apricot Love-A-Lot Shyann from the mini-tutorials. :)

Thank you, Bountiful Baby!

Saturday, January 3, 2014

I picked up my vacation held mail from the post office today and look what I found from the staff at Bountiful Baby! Thank you all so much for the Christmas gift! I feel so totally special! ♥ ♥ ♥ You all are sweetie poohs! I can't wait to dig in after dinner. :):)

I'm No Longer Facebooking - Contact Information Inside

Friday, January 2, 2015

Hiya ladies, Happy New Year! The holiday season is over and as promised, I have closed my Facebook accounts. I am back to blogging full time. If anyone needs anything please send all emails to brookenicole222 @ yahoo . com. :) I will have pictures of Shyann, Thomas and Kyra Legler very soon! All are private orders.



Brooke Nicole - Photographer + Doll Artist | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | 2002-2015 Brooke Nicole