Reborn Tutorials For Ethnic Dolls

Since the announcement of my retirement, I’ve received several inquiries for reborning tutorials. Here is a link to some information that should help you get started creating ethnic reborns:

I apologize, but I do not plan to offer more in depth tutorials at any point in the future, as that is simply not my forte. Good luck to all of the budding, ethnic doll artists. I look forward to seeing your ethnic dolls in the future.

*Photo courtesy of Sam Gearing. Tiggy is so cute with his paints, isn't he?

Can I Continue To Make Reborns?

I've been thinking a lot about whether or not I will continue to reborn. I've known for a long time that the reborn market is unbalanced. It costs more to make a reborn than what most collectors are able to pay.

It costs me close to $1,000 to transform a vinyl kit into a life-like baby. After reviewing my finances, I can not afford to reinvest in another reborn. With the holiday season approaching, I can't afford to go into debt. My two year old is looking forward to a fun Halloween party and a delightful Christmas. I can not justify slighting her to further contribute to an unbalanced market.

I am so hurt and disappointed right now. But in the words of retired reborn artist Meredith, I simply can not justify this hobby any longer. I don’t have the necessary funds to make someone else happy while my family and I are left hurting. :(

Brooke Nicole



Brooke Nicole - Photographer + Doll Artist | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | 2002-2015 Brooke Nicole