Blog Neglect!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yes, it is true, I have been neglecting my blog. I blog mostly when I am at work. I have not been to work because I have been on vacation. When I am home, I am either entertaining family or working on dollies! Not much variety at all, hehe. :-)

So...what's going on in the dolly studio?

Same things, actually. The portrait order Noe is 30% rooted and she still needs some work done to her hands and feet. The 43 gauge, 6 barb star needles are working wonderfully for me! I am able to root from the cut end with one hair in each follicle. Mom and I ordered a tummy plate for Noe that should arrive soon. It is Real Effect's plate sculpted by Petra Seiffert, I believe. Noe is sooooo cute and she will be even cuter with a tummy! I have not started on the prototype baby yet, but I will once I finish up with my portrait order.

I never ordered Nischi. Can you believe that? I will do it right now! I will be back to blogging next week when I go back to work, I promise!



Brooke Nicole - Photographer + Doll Artist | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | 2002-2015 Brooke Nicole