Hi ladies! I have posted on this subject before however, a few sculptors have inquired recently about prototypes. I just want every sculptor out there to know it is absolutely nothing personal when I am unable to reborn your prototype. It absolutely crushes me when I have to admit I can't meet your deadlines! :( I just love all of your kits SO MUCH and admire all of your sculpting talents. I am SO GRATEFUL for the reborn kit market and for the sculptors who admire my work.
My husband passed away earlier this year, so I am a newly single mom with a full time job. I am so busy day to day and I take relief when I am able to work on my reborning projects in the evenings. It is therapeutic and definitely what I love most. :) I have found that working with payment plans and patient collectors works best for my schedule. Quality doesn't happen overnight and the word “skimp” is not in my vocabulary! LOL
I just wanted to make this post to let all of you know how much I appreciate you. I am planning to reborn a kit from every sculptor who asked me to reborn a prototype! Some of the orders I have lined up are for your kits. :) :)

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