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This photo shoot is long overdue, but I was determined to get Zakari's hairline just right. Millions of mini strokes, four paint mixes, and several micro-rooted hairs later, I am finished. I have come to believe that a hair line is the most integral part of a reborn doll's appearance, so I am working overtime to perfect my technique. It is challenging and fun! Here is a link to his web page with high resolution photographs:
P.S. Zakari is sold. He was a private order, so he was sold many months before he was ever created. Click here for more information about my private orders. I am now offering an 18 month payment plan! ♥

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Oh yes, I also managed to hunt down a yellow outfit for Zakari! He is wearing select pieces from Baby Gap's 'Circus' collection. It is the cutest unisex collection. I actually went to the mall and purchased his outfit. I have not been to the mall in years! I have become so lazy and content with ordering things offline, I forgot what it felt like to walk around the mall. Not only did I get some nice clothes, I also got a decent work out that my butt thanks me for, haha! :)

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The sun is coming and going today. Translation: the sun is trying to torture me, lol! Fluctuating light is a pain. I am planning to take more pictures of Baby Zee and his wild tousled curls tomorrow. :)

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You know how real babies put their fists in their mouths, kick their legs, and fidget with their bibs when they are super hungry?? lol

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So glad my 5 year-old daughter Emme Jae gave Zakari his bottle, lol. ;)
And...here is a closeup of Zakari's charm bracelet aka baby bling bling. :)

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