Hello everyone! Don’t ya just love the way professional newborn photographers use cheesecloth? I do! My latest baby has the perfect newborn leggies, so I knew I needed cheesecloth for her photo shoot. I could have purchased pink cheesecloth from Etsy, but the artist in me begged for a “do-it-yourself” project-- as if I don’t have enough to do around here, lol!

In case anyone wants to dye their own cheesecloth, I found an awesome cheesecloth tutorial on YouTube. I purchased my cheesecloth and dye from JoAnn Fabrics. My kitchen sink is stainless steel so I did not have to worry about staining. For those of you with porcelain sinks—be careful! The dye will stain. :)

I poured a bit of dye and salt into the hot water and stirred it around. I was able to get the darker pink color by soaking the cheesecloth in the Petal Pink dye mixture for 25 minutes. I got the lighter pink color by quickly dipping the cheesecloth into the same petal pink mixture. I also made a light fuschia cheesecloth which is the one I used for the photo shoot.
Once pink, I hand washed the cheesecloth with dish soap and rinsed with cold water until it ran clear. I then hung them to dry. Each cheesecloth measures 2 yards, and they are the perfect length for swaddling. Have fun! :)

All of these were made with the petal pink dye.

This one was made with the fuschia dye. I just dipped it for a sec. ;)