Thursday, April 11, 2013
Good afternoon, readers! I am still catching up with the two weeks of baby work I missed while I had the flu. I love this photo of Elodie, Milaine, and their paint challenged friend, lol! :) I think they all look so cute together. I also love how Elodie and Milaine’s skin colors interact with light. Just like real brown skin tones, highlights turn to lowlights in dim light, yellow areas appear orange at dusk, the morning sun cools the warm tones, and fluorescent light adds even more warmth to the brown areas. Cool, huh? :)
Here is an updated photo of Milaine. Lovin’ this kid! :) I will give her some hair soon, I promise, Andrea. :) Someone asked if Milaine has a real name yet, and in fact, she does! :) I will reveal it when she is listed for sale. It begins with "Z". ;)
I have so many Elodie babies around here! Some are half-rooted, some are half painted. One is in the oven right now, hehe. :) Two will leave the workshop soon, one will stay with me until summer, and the other will become a baby girl. I can’t wait to see Elodie as a girl! The Elodie pictured above has the Honey Berry skin tone.
And oh yes-- my blog will be completely redesigned soon, so it may go down for a few days. Just a warning, mmkay? :) Love y’all and be back soon!