Slots #1 & 2 Sold
Slot #3 Sold
Hi everyone! Would anyone be interested in an order for a tan preemie? A couple of my layaway mommies have opted for the tutorial, so I have baby openings available. I would like to accept three 2015 orders for tan preemies only. This means I can only offer the Apricot Love-A-Lot or Toffee Rose skin tones. I am offering a special price of $1,300 USD ($650 down) for each preemie since they require less painting and rooting time.
Below is an incomplete list of preemie-sized kits I would accept for these projects. I am sure there are more kits out there, so if you have questions, feel free to message me. I can't remember them all, lol. :) I will leave these slots up until August 31st.
Harmony by Laura Lee Eagles
Bean by Laura Lee Eagles
Sprout by Laura Lee Eagles
Liberty by Laura Lee Eagles
Buttercup by Bonnie Brown
Daisy by Bonnie Brown
Poppy by Bonnie Brown
Monkey by Bonnie Brown
Meredith by Bonnie Brown
Charly by Olga Auer
Maya by Olga Auer
Ryan by Natalie Scholl
Maisie by Marita Winters
Huggable by Marita Winters
Kissable by Marita Winters
Loveable by Marita Winters
Mavie by Evelina Wosnjuk
Julie by Evelina Wosnjuk
Camden by Donna Lee
Corbin by Donna Lee
...and many more...
Anywhoo, stay tuned, I have three new babies coming soon! :)