Sunday, May 13, 2012
Hi collectors! This post is a bit overdue because I started back to work last Monday, and have not had time to update the blog. Read on-- I promise there is some fabulous information below! :)
Little Justice left a while ago (sniff sniff), so that means I have moved on to another sculpt. Who is on the work table? :) I am working on a prototype for Evelina Wosnjuk’s new kit. If there were a dancing emoticon with an awesome big curly afro like mine, I would insert it *here*, lol! :) Yes, I am that happy about how she is turning out. She is so darn cute! I love her little eyes, cute lips, and of course, her little feet are too stinkin' cute. Well, you all know how Evelina does it. ;)
The prototype will be listed sometime in June. I don’t know an exact date yet because I have to wait for the green light from Evelina before I list her.
For sculptors: This is the only prototype I can take this year. I don’t want sculptors to think I am playing favorites, or picking and choosing sample kits to reborn. Evelina caught me at a good time when I was on vacation from work, so I was able to meet her deadline. Unfortunately, I cannot accept prototypes after this one. I am still planning to reborn a kit from every sculptor who asked me to reborn a prototype!
♥ Thank you all for liking my style of baby making. ;)