Hi ladies! Some have asked about Asian Indian skin tones, and others have asked about bodies, so I am posting these photos for you. :)
Indian Reborn Babies: I think all of my skin tones will will work for an Indian reborn doll, but my “Cacao Silk” coloring has the same sepia undertones that I’ve seen on deep brown Asian Indian skin tones. Combine my “Cacao Silk” coloring with straight black hair and voila—a beautiful Indian reborn baby is born. ♥
About bodies-- I do not use the dark bodies for my reborn babies. I had a horrible dye transfer incident in 2001, and have never reconsidered dark chocolate fabric. I only use white, peach and tan bodies for my dollies. No bleeding to worry about. Also, I never over stuff. :)
Private Blog: The blog will be made private December 15 at midnight. To all of my customers, no worries, you will receive an email from me with instructions on how to log in using the email address I have on file for you.
In regards to future doll sales: The 2013 waiting list is closed and I will no longer produce independent projects. Unless I receive a cancellation, I will no longer have dolls for sale. I will be sure to send an email through my mailing list if I have a completed doll who needs a mom. I am not sure if I want to re-open the 2014 layaway list, but again, if I decide to re-open it, I will send a message through my mailing list.
Happy Holidays, everyone! :)