Hi ladies! I have been contacted about private orders and I totally appreciate your inquiries, but I am no longer accepting orders, sorry. :( I have three more private orders to complete before I shut down the sales portion of this blog. I am looking forward to an updated style of doll making. This means I will have to work through several new techniques and I doubt buyers appreciate my experiments on their private orders, hehe. Remember when I took a hiatus back in 2011 and came back with Neapolitan Chiaroscuro in 2012? I'm doing that again, yippee! :)
The new “Truffle Fluff” ethnic skin technique is something I need to work on. It is going great so far, but the rubber stamp still needs testing. The “French Shell” is a promising coloring technique I began working on last month. Some have already seen my new "Square Wisp" hairline technique. These are only three techniques; I have a total of ten that need extensive testing. The tester reborn dolls will remain in my personal collection.
This blog will remain open during this tester time. I will post pictures of my tester reborns as well as updates on these new techniques. I will happily offer low-priced tutorial add-ons when the time comes. :) Be back soon!

You sure know how to build excitement! The names alone have me all giddy!