A friend sent me a link to the most DARLING AA reborn on eBay! The artist (who did an amazing job, by the way) used the manufactured artist doll Grandma’s Girl by Lee Middleton. The face is totally cute and life-like!
I reborned Grandma’s Girl nearly 5 years ago and I would love to reborn another using some seriously updated techniques. Reborning has come such a long way!

Luckily, I found a doll with the same “Baby Mine” sculpt called Evergreen:

Photo Courtesy of http://www.dollandgift.com
I am so excited about this project! I have no idea when I will get to it, but I can just keep little Evergreen around until I find time.
I have said it before and I will say it again: Reva Schick is the best! I wish Doll Dreams would release several kits by Reva with African features. Reva does the best African features I have ever seen. She must use pictures of super cute kids as references. :-)
And while I am making requests: how about some kits with Asian features too? And a smiling baby? Ok, I am getting greedy now, lol.

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