I hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day! I have not been blogging because…well, there is nothing to talk about, lol. I do have some random thoughts to share and since this blog is my dolly diary, I guess it is okay…:-)
1. My second portrait order is going well. I just love the Noe sculpt. I have to reborn another for myself soon!
2. I want to try rooted eyebrows soon. My 42 gauge, 3 barb needles do not make visible rooting holes, so I think they would work nicely for rooted eyebrows. Experiment time!
3. I also would like to try rooted eyelashes on open eyed dolls.
4. My Angelica kit arrived last week. I am so intimidated by her size. I am dying to paint her head and arms, but the rest of her scares me…especially that vinyl neck/chest/back piece. I thought about trading her for two baby kits but my boo convinced me to hang in there. We’ll see.
5. Janie and Jack has the cutest preemie outfits! No ordering, just looking, promise. *fingers crossed behind my back* hehe My baby clothes collection is on hold but I just love doll clothes. They were always my favorite things to play with as a kid and I never grew out of it.
6. I hope I can get a Jayden kit. I made a new rule for myself last summer: NO PRE-ORDERS before seeing the reborned prototypes because I have been burned too many times before…ya know…when the kit looks nothing like the OOAK. Jayden like sold out before the prototypes were released. Not surprised, the kit does look amazing. But, I refuse to pay a “sold-out premium or upcharge" for ANY hard to find popular kit, so it looks like I am going to miss out on the most popular kit of 2010. *cries* I just hate limited editions.
7. I found a picture of a real baby who resembles Andrea Arcello’s new Niah kit. I love that sculpt. I saw a dark-skinned one fell in LOVE! She looks like the perfect Ethiopian baby girl.
8. I am thinking of vlogging (video blogging) this summer. I have a Nikon D90 that makes HD vids and I will have a lot of time on my hands come summertime. It will save my fingers from typing. Plus, you all will get to see how charming and hot I am, lol. :-)
Nothing to talk about, huh? :-)

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