Infant Fashion Monday

Monday, January 28, 2013

If someone forced me to choose a different profession, I would design baby clothing without hesitation. No surprise there, huh? :) But really, I don't think I could offer anything new or exciting to the baby catwalk because the current designers are doing such a fantastic job!  I tend to go for unique pieces rather than 'run of the mill'.  I occasionally venture to Europe to satisfy my craving for photogenic ensembles. Take a look at this eye candy:

This outfit is from the UK (Mothercare).  Humphrey's Corner is always a winner!  I love elephants and Humphrey is one of my favorite elephants for sure.  Not only do I love the double knot hat, but the pink velour cotton, contrasting floral pockets and arm cuffs will look great on the new Lotti kit by Karola Wegerich.  Lotti's (Lily Rain) mom found this outfit for her new baby girl.  I can't thank her enough!

This velour strampler set is by Jacky-- a German brand that I absolutely LOVE!  The little applique and embroidery is totally unique and right up my alley.   :)  This outfit is for Evelina Wosnjuk's new prototype that I am working on.  The apricot color will look amazing with her deep brown skin tone.  Thank you, Andrea for helping me with this order! I wish I could come to Germany and give you a big hug, lol! :)

And this set by Kanz is just soooo cute!  I did not order it because it only comes in a size 0-3m (56cm).  I just can't use that size right now, but I will keep it in mind.

I was able to find this lightweight velour set at an American boutique in a size 50cm which is the German equivalent of 'newborn'.  I don't have a doll in mind for it yet, but I can't wait to see it modeled!

I love the European styles, but I can't forget about the good ol' American designs.  Here are two outfits for boys that I must have!  I ordered the airplane set in a newborn size, but the striped set only comes in a size 0-3M.  I don't have a larger boy lined up yet, but I can work on that.  The style suggests a kit with open eyes and a calm, newborn expression.  Who fits that criteria?  So many kits!  I have some homework to do, lol! :)

I just love this!  I think it will look great on a male Elodie reborn!  Hint hint Elodie mommies! :)

Okay, that's all for now.  I am going back to rooting.  I will be back with pictures of a completed Elodie boy.  He is so darling!

Random Pictures and Information

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hi everyone! I am having a random kind of Monday morning. Who doesn't have those, right? ;) Below are a few pictures I forgot to post (sad, I know). :)

Sarah Bella's hair in progress (click the photos to enlarge)
Awful lighting & off coloring, I know, but I was only concerned about the hair that night, hehehe.

Sarah Bella's box packing...

Hair accessories, yipppeee!

Wrapped for safety!

Oooh, Ralph Lauren!

Smocked Snowflake bubble by designer "Le Za Me"

Smocked Snowflake bubble by designer "Le Za Me"

Blossom's Petal Jumpsuit by Bunnies by the Bay

Mud Pie Socks, Swaddle Designs Blankie & More

Bye, bye, Sarah Bella!  :)

2013 Pricing Information

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hi ladies! The new pricing schedule is posted below and effective immediately. The new pricing schedule does not apply to customers already on the layaway waiting list.

2013 Pricing Information

$2,500 (20” or less)

$2,900 (21-23”)

$2,900 (full vinyl body 23” and under)

$3,150 (24”-26” full vinyl body or otherwise)

$4,150 (27” and larger)


Blog No Longer Private & Prototype News

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hello to all of my cute, adorable, yummy, sweet readers! :) Many may have noticed the blog is no longer private. This is for two reasons. The first is that two of my international mommies were unable to access the private blog.  :( The second is because...*drumroll please*.....

Yep, that's right, I will have a prototype baby for sale next month. The new baby is sculpted by Evelina Wosnjuk and is oh-so-adorable!

Hey, remember this: Evelina is the same woman who brought us Noe, Estelle, Elodie, Michelle, and other popular kits. Can we expect anything less than perfection from this newbie kit? I think not! :)

I will post completed pictures of Zackary Michael (Elodie Wosnjuk) late January, as well as progress photos of Kiana Rose Simone (Porsha Strydom).  I am swimming in babies over here and lovin' every minute of it.  :)  I hope everyone is having a happy new year!  


Infant Fashion Friday: Got Pink?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Pink is the color of the day! Well, for me, that is every day, lol! :) I have loved the color pink since preschool. Pink this, pink that, pink everything. :) Pink with ruffles are even more of a treat for me. :) Take a look at these delicious ensembles by Baby Biscotti:

And these little numbers are made by Janie and Jack & Kate Mack. I love them, but in an attempt to be frugal, I probably won't order them. Unless of course a layaway mommy likes them, and begs me to order them for their baby girl. Please ask me to order these outfits! That way I'll have an excuse to be the neurotic spendaholic I truly am, hehe. :)

Kit Changes Are No Problem & Inspiration Babe

Friday, January 4, 2013

For layaway mommies: I absolutely do not mind kit changes. If you decide you would like to have a different kit reborned, just let me know and I'll happily make the change, as long as you are willing to wait. :)  There are so many kits to choose from, and I want to make sure everyone is happy. 

It has been a while since I have shared an inspiration baby, so I'd like to share this little one. :) The real little baby boy is a cutie pie, huh? I just love his coloring! I found his picture on a greeting card a few years ago. I based my 'Cinnamon Charm Summer' skin tone on this exact picture, actually. :) I also used this reference photo to paint Sarah Bella's (pictured right) highlights.

Sarah Bella's Photo Shoot

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hi ladies! I thought you all would like to see Sarah Bella's final photo shoot. She is going home tomorrow (sniff, sniff). Here is a link to her web page:




Brooke Nicole - Photographer + Doll Artist | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | 2002-2015 Brooke Nicole