Guess what? Fellow reborner and dear friend Diana Treadwell was kind enough to translate my tutorials. All of the tutorials are now available in Portugese. Isn't this wonderful? I have the best dolly friends. :) Thank you, Diana! If anyone would like a translated tutorial, contact me at brookenicole222 @ yahoo . com
P.S. This adorable Apricot Love-A-Lot Realborn Thomas is sold..and the Toffee Topia Julietta I am posting a progress picture of next is also sold to Alexa, a fellow reborner who placed a long layaway order with me in 2013. Alexa's order for Julietta was to be finished a long time ago. I am so late with my last 2014 orders. I am so sorry! I also have a sold Kyra Legler who wants to show off. :) Be back soon!

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