Realborn Thomas Box Opening!

Saturday, March 21, 2014
I love this video! I feel so honored and I would like to thank the staff at Bountiful Baby for the kind words about Thomas. And also-- a million thank yous to fellow artists and collectors for the lovely emails about this video! Thomas was so much fun to work on. I love the Realborns. I have all of the Realborns that have been released to date, and they are all superb!

To answer the questions about Thomas-- I am not sure whether or not he is a prototype, but from what I understand, he will be displayed at the ROSE doll show. Look for Bountiful Baby's booth. :) I will not be present at the doll show, unfortunately. I don't attend doll shows because I am extremely shy and borderline anti-social, hehe. #teamintrovert

I will post the pictures of Thomas' gifts soon, I promise. I am so behind with blogging...#forshame 



  1. Oh I saw this and was glued to the screen from start to finish. Amazing realistic baby :)




Brooke Nicole - Photographer + Doll Artist | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | 2002-2015 Brooke Nicole