Hi everyone! To answer some of your questions, I was not at the Down East Doll Show. I did not have a table or a booth at the Down East Doll Show. I have never attended a doll show. None of my dolls were at the Down East Doll Show. Specifically, my latest Elodie reborn Madison Amaya was NOT at the Down East Doll Show. Madison Amaya sold to a couple on my layaway waiting list who paid their $2,500 adoption fee this past winter.
I have recently learned that business cards with my name were floating around the Down East Doll Show. I do not use business cards. If someone is passing out cards with my name it is fraud and identity theft -- it is a crime. O_O
If anyone has one of these fake business cards from the Down East Doll Show, please email a picture of it to: brookenicole222 at yahoo dot com.