Steffi (left) before she was finished up...Emily (right)
I noticed an ethnic reborn on eBay made from this perfect little face and I knew I had to have one! The auction for the completed reborn doll stated the original kit name was unknown, so I emailed the artist to ask where she found the kit. Thanks to the friendly artist, I was able to purchase the Emily head for only $16.00 shipped! :) I have no idea who sculpted Emily, but kudos to the sculptor! Emily is one of the cutest little faces I have seen! I tried Adrie's anatomically correct torso and it is a perfect fit!
Seeing Emily pictured next to an incomplete Steffi gives me an idea of how Emily will look with my current painting techniques. I can see Emily will make a super realistic ethnic baby. Coloring variations on those chubby cheeks will look great and Emily has fantastic lips to work with. I am totally excited about this project, can you tell? :) I can't wait to see my Emily all finished up. I have a name for Emily already. Hint-- it is not a girl's name, hehe. ;)