Baby Gap is amazing! They are my go-to shoppe for baby boy clothing, hands down. I asked Preston's mom to help choose two outfits for Preston's photo shoot, and she chose Baby Gap for one look! I was thrilled because I think the deep navy and red will look wonderful with his skin tone. These clothes are amazing quality!

Ebay Babies on Hold
I said I would have a baby listed on eBay at the end of August, but I will not because I am working on Preston's order. I am also working on an Ariella order, and I confirmed the details on a toddler order yesterday afternoon. All of that considered, plus painting Greta, it looks like I won't have a baby on eBay again until next year maybe. If I do, I will send a notice through my mailing list and of course post a link here on the blog. :)
I am still accepting lengthy 18 month layaways. I will post a new eBay listing for a slot when I can add the photos from Preston's shoot.