Payment Options, Kylie & Esme Updated

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hello ladies! Just a quick FYI: I accept trades for my products. I will trade for blank kits, DSLR cameras and lenses. If you have an outstanding balance for a doll or tutorial, let me know what you have to trade and we can work something out. :)

I also have Kylie by Romie Strydom available to ship out in two weeks with purchase. She is soooo cute. She has the Cacao Silk skin tone and thick black curls. $2950 shipped.

Many have asked if I have Esme by Laura Lee Eagles and the answer is yes! I have one kit that I am willing to reborn for $2950 shipped.  $300 deposit required.

I also started Raleigh and Sweet Carolina Winters. They will probably go to eBay in September. Both have the Toffee Topia skin tones. Tutorial babies. :)

I have one private order slot left for late 2015. Mommy can choose the kit. *SOLD*

The Cinnamon Charm Summer Shyann sold last week, but I still have the Apricot Love-a-Lot Shyann available to ship in two weeks time with purchase. $2500 shipped. *SOLD*

I also scored a second Livia by Gudrun Legler. $2950 shipped for a private order.  $300 deposit required. *SOLD*

And last but not least, I have Coco by Natali Blick available for a private order. $2950 shipped. $300 deposit required. *SOLD*



Brooke Nicole - Photographer + Doll Artist | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | 2002-2015 Brooke Nicole