I am so ecstatic right now that I can hardly type! I left an email from eBay sitting in my inbox because I figured it was junk mail. I almost deleted it this morning, but something told me to open it. Much to my surprise it was from one of my TOTALLY favorite celebs! OMG! She wants me to do portrait reborn babies of her kids! She said someone sent her a link to my Blasian baby!
I called the number she left in the email...it seemed to be a good number and everything seems to be legit based on the recording. I guess I will find out more when I call her back tonight. I am just on CLOUD 50! I am a HUGE fan and her kids are so cute!
I can't wait to get out of this office so I can call again. 5:30 pm can't come soon enough for me. lol I so hope this works out!
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
OMG! I talked to the mom on the phone this morning and we have set up an ichat appointment for tomorrow night. She is sooooo sweet and friendly! I have been asked not to give details about the family on the blog, so I will respect their privacy and leave out names, etc. from my posts. I am just so excited about this and I would like to thank the mom for contacting me. ♥ I can't wait to get started on this project next year!
Friday, December 11, 2009
It is 2 am and I have been "iChatting" for the past three hours with my lovely new friend! It is an amazing feeling to meet someone that I have admired for so long. I also met the kiddos that I will be making portraits reborns of, and they are too cute!
We are still trying to decide on what kits to use for the portrait babies. I sent the mom a few links so she can see the kits I have in mind. We are considering the Michelle sculpt by Evelina Wosnjuk, Ariella by Reva Schick, and Bella by Maribel Villanova.
Okay, I am definitely going to work harder on my lighter skin tones and perfect them by next year because we agreed to start in March. I am just so thrilled about this project and I can't wait to start on the babies. Thank you, again, mommy, for contacting me! ♥
Oh gosh how exciting!!! I bet even today you can remember how exciting that day was!